Some of the most amazing/ridiculous features on Savory New York include video tours of the restaurant and interviews with prestigious chefs like Joel Robuchon of L’Atelier, Thomas Keller (the most distinguished American born chef, some say the best in the biz) of Per Se, and one of my personal favorites, Naomichi Yasuda of Sushi Yasuda.* Other cool features include restaurant recommendations from top New York chefs, such as Anne Burell (Centro Vinoteca), Dan Barber (Blue Hill), and Joey Campanaro (Little Owl).
Go check out Savory New York at http://newyork.savorycities.com/. It got us off our high horse and kept our egos in check, so we suspect you’ll enjoy it too.
*If anyone has the opportunity to sit in front of Mr. Yasuda tell him “Papasun cut off his Mohawk.”
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